Mission of the Cluster
Through the training, the communication and the co-development between the members of AgriDiverCluster, cluster’s main mission and priority focus on developmental prospects for the generation of Greek products with distinct identity and authentication. Due to the ratification of the Nagoya protocol (European Regulation 511/2014) carried out by the Greek parliament in June 2019 and is now a state law (Law 4617 Issue A '88 / 10.06.2019) as well as an indisputable national milestone in the field of sustainable and / or commercial utilization of national genetic resources, sectors of research and development are:
Sustainable utilization of the national biodiversity and phyto-genetic resources, focusing on species that can play a distinctive functional role in human and animal nutrition (native aromatic / medicinal plants, traditional fruit varieties, small fruits, etc.)
Support & Development
Support and development of companies those are active in various sectors and value chains of the agri-food sector, through knowledge transfer and targeted training, but also through the creation of networks for dissemination of information and interaction between cluster participants, by carrying out joint research projects, undertaking common actions of product promotion and utilization of common infrastructure.
Collaboration with similar clusters in Greece and abroad. Collaborative Innovation Clusters are key players in entrepreneurship and research and development, providing a significant boost to competitiveness and innovation by playing a role in identifying, designing and implementing policies that often support job creation, development and investments.
In particular, clusters combine resources and knowledge in order for their members to collaborate in common strategies and carry out activities that are in the interest of all and especially the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that comprise them. Partnerships focus on creating joint actions, investment plans and on a sustainable relationship for participating in common priority areas of smart specialization linked to industrial modernization.
Gradual transformation of the current conventional production process into a process of intensive knowledge, innovation and high technology while promoting/enhancing the extroversion of the sector’s companies, with the ultimate goal of developing new products of high value, with international competitive advantages and export potential in European and world markets.
Protection of Biodiversity
The protection of the national biodiversity and phyto-genetic resources is among the top priorities. Greek plant biodiversity (national phyto-genetic resources) is:
• particularly rich (counting 6.764 native species and subspecies with a broad number of habitats-biotypes-chemotypes and many - estimated to exceed 1.000 - traditional varieties of cultivated plant species),
• of unique identity (percentage of native endemic plants found nowhere else: 22%), as well as,
• diversely useful-valuable (with over 1.650 species and subspecies exerting aromatic-medicinal-cosmetic and / or dyeing properties, hundreds of species-subspecies with agro-nutritional interest, hundreds of plant species with known floricultural-ornamental value, dozens of felled species), etc.
Nowadays, only a very small part (<1%) of the huge wealth of national phyto-genetic resources is systematically cultivated. Therefore, the important developmental prospects for the production of Greek products with identity and possibilities of authentication still remain latent and largely unused, even though this is now feasible based on the current state-of-the-art research level.